What music do you like more?

Monday, June 9, 2008


Words can't begin to describe how thankful I am that summer is finally here! Right now I only have 5 things to do for my vacations!

1) Donate 10 inches of hair

2) Buy digital camera

3) Visit adorable cousins

4) SLEEP!!!!!!

5) Visit friends

I really can't wait to give up 10 inches of hair to Locks of Love (LOL) because my hair is long enough to annoy me daily with all the brushing and combing etc. and for me it would just be easier if i gave it all away and had short hair. So I found a charitable way to give it away. I will donate it to cancer victim who go bald because of the sickness.
The digital camera is because my mom really hates it when I use her camera and for the summer if I want to visit my cousins and remember them it might be convenient to have one.
My cousins are undoubtably adorable with giant chubby cheeks and bleach blonde hair. Other than that I have no real reason to visit them.
SLEEP! That one should actually be second on my list after Donate hair because waking up at 5:30 am daily. and so finally when I cam able to wake up at 10 or mid-day then I will know it's finally summer!
Then last but not least friends. I can not wait to see my friends in the States.

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